Here are seven key takeaways that struck me from my trip:
It’s okay to see a place again:

When you reread a novel, you experience it differently because YOU are different. The same goes for the sites, so just because you’ve seen a place before, consider visiting it again. A different guide yields a different encounter with a place, too. I saw the Parthenon twice in three days, and though I was concerned at first, I had no reason to be. I learned totally new things from each guide. There always more to know!
Don’t schedule a 7-hour tour on your first day in your destination:

I learned the hard way that it’s best to ease into exploration. I knew this, but I didn’t take my own advice. Doing a lengthy tour on day one left me exhausted. Next time, I’ll ensure there’s space so that I can truly savor each experience and spread activities out with rest in between. Also, space in an itinerary allows room for serendipity.
Connections are EVERYTHING:

A chance encounter led to a memorable boat ride and an exclusive view of Venice from a spectacular rooftop. It reminded me that personal connections in the travel industry can enhance travel experiences in unexpected ways.
Americans should travel more like Europeans:

Instead of trying to see everything in one trip, I embraced the idea of limiting the number of destinations. Immersion in a place, soaking up the culture, history, and beauty without feeling rushed. I could have spent a week at the Vatican alone.
Always try to do a photoshoot:

During my stay in Tremezzo, the hotel arranged a sunset photoshoot for me. In just an hour, we captured fantastic memories of my magical trip. These photos memorialize my adventures in a way that words alone cannot, and I will treasure them for years to come.
Lean into what you love at home when traveling:

If you’re not into food, skip the fancy Michelin-starred restaurants. You probably won’t love wandering through gardens in the heat if they aren’t your thing. Embrace what you love, whether music, history, or art, and let that guide your travel planning while allowing room for surprises and new things.
Let me be your co-pilot:

I hope by now that’s obvious! I have experienced what my partners in Italy can achieve and make happen for my clients—whether it’s a Vivaldi concert in an ancient church, a knowledgeable Venetian art historian, or access to a renowned atelier. Never travel without me in your back pocket to maximize your time and investments.