You probably have a financial advisor. But you know what makes even more sense? Having a travel advisor. You can always make more money — but we cannot make more time (yet!).
Your time is your most precious non-renewable asset. And the most valuable time of all is your leisure time.
Travel advisors like myself save our clients time in a myriad of ways.
— Orchestrating VIP arrivals
— Arranging cut-the-line tours (double win — we arrange a knock-your-socks-off tour AND you cut the line!)
— Coordinating insurance
— Renewing passports and securing urgent travel documents
— Rebooking when needed
— And the most time-consuming part of any trip… research.
Ask anyone who’s traveled further than the end of the street, and they’ll tell you that research is the most laborious part of planning any trip. Especially if you’re a control freak like me!
How many times have you gone down a rabbit hole while planning a vacation?
Maybe you have no idea where you want to go. Researching all of that is a project in and of itself.
Because you don’t want to risk our holiday being anything less than great, you find yourself returning to the same destination again and again. Trying someplace new feels fraught with risk.
I’m guilty of this one myself, actually. I’ve been to COMO Parrot Cay three times — because I know I love it. I know the service is outstanding, the beaches are pristine, the water stunning, and the massages are life-changing. (If you take nothing else away from this article, take that… and go!)
Maybe you DO know where you want to travel to, but you spend hours trying to hunt down the most spectacular restaurants and juiciest adventures for when you arrive.
And, of course! You don’t want to go all that way and end up with a “uniquely bad” experience at a Michelin-star restaurant (that you later write a very hilarious post about that goes viral).
That’s why you need a travel advisor.
We eat, sleep, and breathe travel. We maintain our own electronic “Little Black Book” of personal contacts that includes our network — hotels and resorts, restaurants, tour guides and operators, concierges, yacht and boat vendors, and more. And yes, we call it the PWT Little Black Book.
Not only do we conduct an immense amount of research on a daily basis, but we also visit and sample the destinations we book for our clients. And what I don’t know, I also have incredible resources that help me find out what I need quickly.
Finally, when we DO send you on a trip, we get instant, unfiltered feedback — and always take that into account for future bookings.
You couldn’t put in those hours even if you wanted to!
Through my partnerships, affiliations, and extensive network, I also have access to insider information like hotel renovations, travel policy changes, and even special consolidator air ticket rates for first and business class.
Even if you have an assistant on your team to plan your travel, these aren’t things they’re in the loop about!
There’s a lot more to a premium travel experience than booking a swanky hotel room on the internet.
If you want travel that’s marvelous, invigorating, and out-of-the-box — you need a travel advisor, stat. Yep, even (especially!) in 2023.