Your travel style is ::
You don’t need to travel to see new things — you always bring a fresh perspective to what you do. But you view travel as a way to collect stories and experience beauty.
You’re naturally gifted at making connections, and you’re quick to engage in conversation with the locals. You are warm-hearted, accepting, and friendly,. You love life and your bonds with others.
When traveling you abhor —
Bad manners
Must-have packing item is —
A journal
In your earbuds —
Songs by Ottmar Liebert
Your snack of choice —
Hummus on crackers with a dash of aleppo pepper
destination inspiration for poets
sensual pleasures to stimulate your dreams and words
Experience a unique and deeply relaxing sound vibration in warm geothermal pools under the stars for a total lightness of being, at Solage, an Auberge Resort in Napa Valley.
Take an art class or a class at the Sazón Cooking School while staying at Belmond’s Casa De Sierra Nevada in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico.
Listen in at the Faena Forum, an incubator for cultural expression, at the Faena Hotel Miami and while you’re there visit the Tierra Santa Healing House.
poets should also consider
an adventure at the top of the trees
A guided rope adventure at Blackberry Mountain amid the trees to get out of your head and into your body. Hike over rock-strewn slopes through the sturdy canopies of the trees and wind along trails of wood, rope and vines. You’ll take in a true bird’s-eye view from three custom-built tree houses.