Zen Master

Your travel style is ::
Zen Master



You love wide-open spaces, whether it’s in nature or in the city. You’re in your happy place when enjoying delicious cuisine and aren’t averse to imbibing an excellent wine.

You prefer places that aren’t crowded and don’t mind paying a premium to see sites with a private guide during off hours. Cleanliness is critical to your comfort level.

When traveling you abhor —

Must-have packing item is —
Meditation cushion

In your earbuds —
Songs by Deva Premal & Miten

Your snack of choice —
An orange

destination inspiration for zen masters

a meditation retreat to expand your zen-ness


Try meditation sessions while you stay at Cavallo Point’s Healing Arts Center & Spa to reconnect to your deeper needs.


Feel light and happy relieving tension in the spine and improving blood flow while you try out aerial yoga at Vila Vita Parc in Portugal.


Do a walking mindful beach meditation at the Monarch Beach Resort & Club in California.

zen masters should also consider

a personalized sensuous massage to re-inhabit your body


Visiting an herb-filled apothecary, where special healers known as manos santas create custom massage oils for you at the Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve in Puerto Rice.