greek books


I love to read up on a destination to enrich my travels. I may read non-fiction, classic novels, mystery thrillers. It just depend – on my ability to focus, on the destination, and what books I can get my hands on. Here are some suggestions to prepare you for adventures in Greece. Or perhaps while […]

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I love to read up on a destination to enrich my travels. I may read non-fiction, classic novels, mystery thrillers. It just depend – on my ability to focus, on the destination, and what books I can get my hands on. Here are some suggestions to prepare you for adventures in Greece. Or perhaps while […]

Pre-Departure Checklist

Packing mishaps range from inconvenient (heading to the Bahamas without a swimsuit) to disastrous (leaving something in your fridge that'll turn into a science experiment before you get back), but most are preventable. We've created this ultimate packing list to help you pack well, every time.

The difference between a good holiday, and a phenomenal holiday.

We're currently accepting clients for adventures and holidays for 2023, 2024 and beyond. Set up a consultation to get started!