Here are just a few experiences from our special partners that will enable you to explore the world like 007 – from Thailand to Iceland with Monoco and Italy in between. Check out these ahhhhmazing experiences.

Join me to hear about extraordinary experiences that travel advisors can design for you. We can make things happen that no one else can – even if you wanted to, even if you knew you could, even if you dreamed of it. Hear about these amazing insider opportunities and find out how we make the magic happen!

Travels Advisors did not go extinct around 1995, despite the advent of the internet. In fact, post-pandemic the work we do and the expertise we offer has never been more valuable. Check out these 10 myths about travel advisors and learn how we do our magic. And read to the end for the biggest truth bomb!

This week is my first Virtuoso Travel Week —it’s like a combination of fashion week, school, and speed dating with a few cocktails thrown in . With over 2,200 travel suppliers participating, I’m going to be on the hunt for all the unique, extraordinary, one-of-a-kind experiences. Personal relationships and friendships make all the difference for my clientele so that I’m able to clear waitlists, get priority upgrades, solve problems, and plan delightful surprises.

Pre-Departure Checklist

Packing mishaps range from inconvenient (heading to the Bahamas without a swimsuit) to disastrous (leaving something in your fridge that'll turn into a science experiment before you get back), but most are preventable. We've created this ultimate packing list to help you pack well, every time.

The difference between a good holiday, and a phenomenal holiday.

We're currently accepting clients for adventures and holidays for 2023, 2024 and beyond. Set up a consultation to get started!